December 31, 2013

2013: When Little Things Made You Learn Better

Hi, world. It is good to see you tonight.

As you know, it is about an hour to the new year eve. 2014 is coming closer. So, what are you guys been doing? Anyone throw a party so you can bring your date? If yes, then we are on a same path! Because right now, I am, ready, to go to sleep. #garing #iknow #imsorry

So, I'm here laying on my bed, watching TV, playing phone, and look out the window every five minutes to check are there any fireworks yet or not. Poor Adelia. And yep, if you notice usually I will say something about what was happened during the year and wrote it in the blog when the year is changing. But now, I don't know, 2013 has been full of upside down. You can see me totally confused thinking about college here, then how happy I am get off of high school here, but then again you see me totally lost in here, and at the end there is happy ending in here. I do not want to recap it again here since it just too much. Too much things to talk about, too much processes to be detailed and for sure too much feelings for these.

Either than that, here I just will rewrite some advices I found on internet. And I want to make this post to be my own reminder to be kind, nice, and always positive. Here we go.

1. First, smile. Looking pleasant is so much more attractive. It is good for you, your surroundings, or maybe your heart. Maybe there is that guy who is looking at your smile, right?! POSITIVITY!

2. Laugh, scream, cry, or whatever. Just don’t be scared of your emotions. The things you need to reminder is to know when to share them with others and know when to keep them in the comfort and privacy of your home. Your emotion is yours. People can only see and judge it. You choose to whom you show it.

3. Make mistakes and never let them embarrass you. It is okay to be wrong. Nobody ask you to be always right. That is okay, Della, mistakes help you learn and grow more than anything else. More than a compliment can do.

4. Ask questions! If you don’t understand something, especially in groups, please do ask. Don't be scared, remember that it is okay to not being right. And as every college professor says that there are chances someone has the same question as you. It just about who gonna ask it first.

5. Never feel pressured to do something that is “hip” or “cool” if you don’t enjoy it. Don’t read because you feel like you need to. Don’t exercise because you feel like you need to. They’re healthy for you, and broaden your horizons and skills, but if they make you miserable, find alternatives, and don’t let anyone make you feel badly for not doing something you don’t enjoy. Do things that you like, so you will put effort on it.

6. And, vice versa: never let someone make you feel badly for doing something that you do enjoy. They do not know your process. You make it.

7. Learn more, study more, do the best at every assignments and exams, do the best in college. Remember how sad when you are not accepted on the Uni you want. So, now you have a chance to show that, you are good enough to be anywhere.

8. Tell Mom and Dad, tell them you love them, and thank them for bringing you into the world. Tell, now.

9. Don’t use “being busy” as an excuse, and don’t tell others “how busy” you are. No one cares, and they are just as busy as you. Prioritise will tell you which one comes first. Be kind, be professional.

10. You have to be nice to people, but you don’t have to please them. Make yourself (and keep yourself) your priority. There is a difference between being kindhearted and being a doormat. Strive for the former, abandon the latter.

11. You live in your body: decorate it how you please. But remember, make it good looking one :p

12. Keep your home a space of comfort, and don’t allow negative energy, thoughts, or people into your safe haven. Be positive as you can do, Della.

13. Don’t buy food you won’t eat. Don’t buy clothes you won’t wear. It’s simple: don’t waste. There are people who need it more than you.

14. Know you importance but also know your limit. You are the one who decide what you should do or not. You decide what to think first or later. You decide yourself, because you know yourself at its best level. You know what is good for you, but also you know until what level you should do that. Be open, with youself.

15. Because it bears repeating: smile. It’s only life. Goodluck.
And, happy new year!

Adelia Budiarto

November 14, 2013

Sincerely, Nice Guys

Dear girls,

We don't care if you talk to other guys. We don't care if you're friends with other guys. But when you're sitting next to us, and some random guys walks into the room and you jump up and tackle him, without even introducing us, yeah, it pisses us off. It doesn't help if you sit there and talk to him for 10 minutes without even acknowledging the fact that we're still there. We don't care if a guy calls or texts you, but at 2 am we do get a little concerned.

Also, when we tell you you're pretty/beautiful/gorgeous/cute/stunning, we freaking mean it. Don't tell us we're wrong. The sexiest thing about a girl is confidence. Yeah, you can quote me.

You don't have to get dressed up for us. If we're going out with you in the 1st place, you don't have to feel the need to wear the shortest skirt you have or put on every kind of makeup you own. We like you for who you are. Honestly, I think a girl looks more beautiful in her PJ's. Or just T-shirt, not all dolled up.

Don't take everything we say seriously. Sarcasm is a beautiful thing. See the beauty in it. Don't get angry easily. Stop using magazines/media as your bible. Don't talk about how hot Adam Levine or Bradley Cooper is in front of us. It's boring, and we don't care. You have girlfriends for that.

Girls, I can't stress this enough: if you aren't being treated right by a guy, don't wait for him to change! Ditch his sorry ass, disgrace to the male population and find someone who will treat you with utter respect. Someone who will honor your morals. Someone who will make you smile when you're at your lowest. Someone who will care for you even when you make mistakes. Someone who will love you, no matter how bad you make them feel. Someone who will stop what they're doing just to look you in the eyes....and say 'I love you'...and actually mean it.

Guys, repost this if you agree. Girls, repost this if you think it's cute.
Life is too short to complain about everything that comes your way to stop and smell the roses in life because you might never have another time to take it, so take your time because they're all different in every way, so take chances in life. If it doesn't work out then fine, there are always more roses to smell.

Nice Guys.

I copied it around two years ago from my senior's blog, that actually she copied from 9GAG. I kept it on my file, and now I just want to post it, haha it's super sweet, ain't it? :p

October 27, 2013

Cerita: Menjadi Mahasiswa Baru

Sudah dua bulan teman-teman!
Sudah dua bulan!
Saya menjadi mahasiswa. Huahahahaha.

Setelah berperang dua tahun mengalami masa paling melelahkan dalam hidup saya (baca: SMA), akhirnya saya menjadi seorang mahasiswa. Saya ingat apa yang selalu dikatakan Papa saat aku dan kakakku dulu kelelahan menjalani masa SMA-nya, beliau bilang,

‘Sekolah paling susah itu SMA, semua pelajaran harus dipelajari, dan semua materinya sudah paling tinggi. Kalian ya harus belajar matematika, bahasa, ditambah lagi fisika, kimia, biologi. Nah, nanti, kalau sudah kuliah, sudah sana terserah kalian, masa paling membahagiakan, belajar ya fokus di satu bidang, mau kuliah boleh mau bolos boleh, masa paling bebas, tapi tetep harus tanggung-jawab. Yaudah sana belajar, Papa aja bisa lulus SMA, masak kalian ngga? Hahaha’
Yha Pa, Yha. Haha. Saya sudah khatam merasakan manis pahit sekolah menengah atas, ditambah sekolah saya tercinta, SMA Negeri 5 Surabaya yang semua anaknya aktif nan ambis, ditambah saya masuk kelas akselerasi, dua puluh anak didalamnya jauh lebih ambis lagi. Bisa survive saja rasanya sudah bahagia sekali. Hahaha. Namun, dibalik semua suka-DUKA masa SMA, teman-teman yang selalu menemani lah obatnya. Mereka lah yang menjadi penyeimbang, penyemangat, dan segala sumber kebahagiaan di SMA. Dari semua kebahagiaan saya akhirnya bisa lulus dari SMA, ada satu yang saya takutkan, saya takut tidak bisa bertemu dan memiliki teman yang, seperti kalian.

Dan saat ini sudah bulan Oktober 2013, saya, Adelia Yulma Budiarto, sudah dua bulan mengarungi kehidupan menjadi mahasiswi S1 Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Airlangga angkatan 2013 melalui perjuangan jalur SBMPTN, Alhamdulillah.

Saya, sudah tidak takut lagi, apalagi menyesal. Satu hal yang saya takuti ketika ‘berpindah’ adalah saya bisa saja gagal beradaptasi. Namun sekarang, saya jatuh cinta terhadap lingkungan baru saya. Iya, mungkin masih terlalu dini, masih dua bulan, tapi paling tidak saya berhasil berdamai dengan diri dan lingkungan baru saya.

Saya sudah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan ospek di skala universitas, fakultas, dan juga jurusan. Ospek jurusan memang meninggalkan lebih banyak bekas, tiga hari hidup di tengah hutan Cuban Rondo, bersama 350 teman seangkatan sejurusan dan segala tekanan dari panitia dan senior, sungguh menyenangkan! Hahaha. Saya sudah mengikuti delapan minggu perkuliahan, mempelajari materi-materi yang sangat asing bagi saya mengingat saya siswa IPA yang masuk Akuntansi, dan tergabung dalam sebuah kepanitiaan besar di BEM Fakultas. Sampai sekarang sih, semua masih baik-baik saja, namun beberapa hari lagi akan diadakan UTS saya yang pertama di perkuliahan. Mari kita lihat, apakah masih akan baik-baik saja atau tidak. Hahaha.

Jadi, saya senang dengan apa yang saya miliki sekarang. Sampai saat ini, saya masih setuju dengan kalimat Papa di atas haha. Terima kasih wajah-wajah baru yang mengisi hari-hari saya dua bulan ini dan beberapa tahun kedepan. Mari berproses!

Adelia Budiarto

September 15, 2013

Missing The High School

"True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country.” 

July 25, 2013

I'm Sixteen Years Old University Student!

Hi world!

Alhamdulillah. I’m really glad I can still breathe today. Thank you Allah, The Most Mercious, you gave me great fifteen years before, and let me woke up today.

Today is July 25th 2013,
which means, I am sixteen years old!

Nothing else I want to share or tell except how thankful I am right now, I am so blessed, I have super-caring family, always-in-my-side best friends, forever-happy-ridiculous  friends, and so on. All the time with you was so precious. Allah already gave me a great life. Seriously, right now I am sixteen and I am an accounting student in university. Not a school girl anymore! Hahaha.

And, thank you to you, whoever give me a happy birthday and give me your best wishes, I hope (for sure) all your wishes come true, amiiin.

And one more thing that made me happy, like you know, I have real best friends that I am so glad I met them, one when in elementary school, in junior high school, and other in high school. They’re so meaningful for my life, they’re kind of friend that always be here by my side when we’re in needed, always cheer me up, understand me though I’m not telling the whole problem, and they’re never asked for a kind of label to show us if we’re best friends, but we are right? Haha. They’re never asked for something, never asked for benefits. And they have their own way to show their love for me *wink* to congratulate my new age. Hahaha. One of them is the first one who told me happy birthday, other is the last one who told me happy birthday by sang a song, and the other made me a cute puppet video haha, idk. All I can say to you only thank you so much you guys come to my life and made me feel this experience, so glad I met you.

Because we are human, who always need another people to life with. Whatever how good you are, you do still need someone else to live your life. Be grateful, be nice, and be very best version of you.

Good day!

June 5, 2013


"hey dad look at me
think back and talk to me
did i grow up according to plan?
and do you think I'm wasting my time
doing things I wanna do?
but it hurts when you disapprove all along
and now I try hard make it
I just want to make you proud
i'm never gonna be good enough for you
i can't pretend that i'm alright"

Too much to tell, but don't know where to start. I thought that I was in my lowest point last week. full of tears and fears. i don't know. but then I open my eyes, ears, heart, and I realized that God always here beside me to keep my chin up.

By the lyrics above, it feels like sometimes only simple plan really know what I feel. because I try to talk someone, but actually no one really understands.

I still want you, how to keep me going through this hard times to get you?

Even maybe you don't understand what I am talking whoever you who read this, but from my deepest heart please pray the best for me, my life, my family, my next college application. Oh ya Allah, please make it easier for me to take place in my next college. Aamiin. Bismillahirrahmannirrahim.


"and I hope you can't change me"

April 19, 2013

Selamat Tinggal, Rok Abu-Abu!


SubhanaAllah sekali, sudah berapa lama saya ga bebenah blog ini, kusam, berdebu, mana pink-pink nggilani gini lama-lama. Hahaha.

You know what? I’ve done all of my final exam. BOOM. Alhamdulillah sekali, kalo begini ceritanya saya ga menyesal masuk aksel. Saya sudah menyelesaikan enam semester sma saya. Saya sudah ujian praktek, ujian sekolah, dan yang baru saja kemarin selesai, yang lagi menggemparkan dunia pendidikan Indonesia, ujian nasional. I did it.

Bersyukur sekali, saya bersekolah di sma yang cukup terkemuka dan masih di pulau Jawa, sehingga ujian nasional saya berjalan lancar, tepat waktu. Kasihan sekali sama provinsi-provinsi lain yang unasnya tertunda, yang belum unas, yang soalnya belum sampe, yang soalnya harus difotokopi. Yang sabar ya. Itu beban mental, banget. Saya seneng banget, sudah selesai, sudah selesai hahaha.

Jadi, saya harus ngomong apa ini. Kalo mau cerita banyak banget, males juga nulisnya, iya juga kalo ada yang bakal baca. Haha. Tapiii, yang lagi sering kepikiran, ya masalah unas kemarin. Meskipun sudah selesai, tapi masih ngganjel-ngganjel gimana gitu. Pertama, soalnya agak jauh dari yang biasanya, lumayan dari detik-detik, intinya, saya merasa kesusahan. Hahaha. Lalu, mereka yang tidak jujur. Sedih campur mangkel ya melihat dan mendengar, mereka-mereka yang biasanya dibilang beli kunci. Pertamanya sih ga peduli, habis kan gamungkin banget gitu 20 paket, nyonteknya lo gimana. Eh, ternyata, pada tembus. Ya sudah, kata orang selalu ada jalan bagi mereka yang jujur.

Ohya, yang ada di pikiran, dan selalu nempel, ya masalah ‘kuliah mana’. SubhanaAllah, mulai hari ini sampai akhir mei, saya harus clingak-clinguk nungguin pengumuman snmptn undangan. Pingin banget, optimis, tapi ya takut juga. Yasudah, diserahkan sama yang diatas. Berdoa, dan siap-siap kalo harus sbmptn. Haha, minta doanya ya siapa aja. Doain biar unasnya hasilnya bagus dan memuaskan, snmptn udangannya diterima, dan dimudahkan jalannya untuk menjadi mahasiswi di universitas yang saya inginkan. Doain ya.

Baiklah, malam ini saya mau leha-leha. Haha. Mari kita bersenang-senang, dan juga tetep fighting buat kuliah. Wohow. Sampai jumpa!


March 1, 2013

Candu: Liam Hemsworth

Halo teman-teman,

Tahukah kalian apa yang sedang terjadi pada saya akhir-akhir ini?
Saya sedang kecanduan. Kecanduan Liam Hesmworth.

Minggu lalu, ayah saya mengajak nonton film, katanya beliau udah lama ga ke bioskop dan lupa rasanya nonton film di bioskop. Jadi lah kami (saya dan kakak) sebagai anak yang baik, menerima tawaran beliau dan pergi nonton. Akhirnya kita nonton The Expendables 2, karena papa dan mas suka tembak-tembakan (?) dan banyak aktor action yang mereka tahu. Jadi lah kita nonton itu. Nah saya? Saya tahu sih beberapa juga tapi ga sehafal mereka. Ada satu aktor yang saya tahu tapi mereka ngga, siapa? Ya Liam ini *cry*

Tidak hanya berhenti disitu, dua hari lalu saya nonton lagi nih The Last Song di laptop karena kangen gitu sama mas Liam. Terus baru saja, saya selesai nonton The Hunger Games karena ngga sempat nonton di bioskop bulan lalu.

Lalu, lalu apa?!
Lalu saya cuma sedang jatuh cinta lagi aja sama doi.

Sudah ah, pokoknya mas Liam ganteng.
Selamat malam.


Billy the Kid

Will Blakelee

Gale Hawthorne

All pictures are form Tumblr.

Saya padamu, bang Liam!

February 10, 2013

Cerita: Bingung Mencari Bangku Kuliah

Sekitar enam tahun lalu, ketika mbak ocha mas ido masih SMA, waktu kita diskusi-diskusi bareng papa pertanyaanya masih, Dek Dela ini Sdnya dipindahin ke surabaya ga ya? Biar gampang SMPnya masuk Spensa, gimana? Segitu niatnya masuk SMPN 1 Surabaya sampe bela-belain pindah sd biar rayonnya gampang. Gapapa lah, worth it, akhirnya keterima di Spensa. Terus diskusi ini berubah topik, Dek Dela jadi ikut akselerasi ga ya? Dan akhirnya saya sukses lulus dua tahun dari smp tercinta.

Dua tahun berikutnya, ketika mbak-mas sudah jadi mahasiswa, udah nyemplung jadi mahasiswa Unair dan ITS, pertanyaan berubah lagi, Dek Dela SMAnya gimana ini? Ya harus SMAN 5 dong, tapi ujian sbinya gimana ini, kalo ga keterima smala masuk mana? Nilai akhir nya juga segitu. Tapi Alhamdulillah, berhasil diri ini jadi smalane. Lalu pertanyaan berubah lagi, Ini Dek Dela jadi dimasukkin ta aksel nya? Jadi aksel lagi SMA ini? Dan akhirnya, saya menjadi bagian dari akselerasi Smalabaya angkatan 11.

Satu setengah tahun berlalu, dan akhirnya kami berdiskusi lagi. Ketika mas ido udah training kerja di Jakarta, mbak ocha S2 fttm itb dan pikirannya menjurus ke oil company, kami berbincang lagi. Dek Dela mau kuliah dimana ini? Undangan harus bener-bener dipikir biar ga sia-sia, lawannya juga kaya gitu, kuliah mana ya yang tepat ya?

Kami dipertemukan lagi, berbincang lagi, untuk masa depan saya, bertemu dengan kakak-kakak yang mindsetnya sudah berubah. Yang pikirannya untuk masuk kuliah bukan hanya bagaimana di dalam fakultas tersebut, tapi mereka sudah mengarahkan untuk bekerja. Mbak ocha yang dulunya anak FMIPA tapi sekarang tiba-tiba jadi anak teknik, dan dia kelabakan untuk perubahan yang ndadak, dan dia gamau aku salah ambil jurusan. Mas ido yang dulunya anak teknik, terus kuliah dobel akuntansi, akhirnya dalam dunia kerja dia pakai akuntansinya, dan dia gamau aku salah pilih dan akhirnya ilmu lainnya tidak begitu terpakai.

Ya. Aku tahu mereka ingin yang terbaik untukku. Mau masuk mana del? Harus banyak berusaha dan berdoa. Harus liat nilaiku, teman-teman lain, dan kemungkinan-kemungkinan kecil harus diperhitungkan. Di posisi-posisi seperti ini, merubah jurusan harus dipikirkan benar. Dan insyaAllah aku akan memilih yang terbaik, dan berguna untuk dunia kerjaku, kelak. For whatever reason, making decision is so hard to do. Because when you make a choice, you change your future.

So, yeah. Make the decision, make it with confidence, and the world will be mine. In the end that was the choice you made, and it doesn’t matter how hard it was to make it. It matters that you did.

Adelia Budiarto.
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