

I’m Adelia from Indonesia.

This blog starts when I was 13 and it just full of teenager dairy talking about school or family. Turns out, even I only write once or twice a year, I keep this blog until high school, then college, then work, then college again, and until now. I’m in my 20s, already married, have a job, a baby, a life.

I basically write anything popped up in my head just so one day I could look back to these human dairies. You will find stories about my family, friends, and loved ones, my work and school, my travels and photographs, movies I watched, books I read, new food I tried, or basically anything.

If you have any thoughts, questions, or anything towards me, feel free to send a ‘Hi!’ to adeliabudiarto25@gmail.com. I’ll see you around!


Adelia Budiarto.


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