
Hi again!

I made this page simply because I want to have a list of personal or professional blogs that I want to open and read again next time. Before (actually until now), I usually save the website address in bookmarks whenever I found an interesting one. Then it grows bigger and bigger, I have lots of addresses in my browser bookmarks and now it is harder now to find which one is the blog address in the stack of website addresses. Since the address of people's personal blog usually unique and not really easy to remember when they used another word than their own name. Then, I decided to put it down here.

Ta-da! You will find a list of personal blogs that I've ever visited and thought as interesting. It could be the blog of a famous person, a traveler story, a fashion blogger, my friend's blog, or just any random blog that I've ever clicked and I wouldn't mind having my second visit. They are just inspiring and informative in their own way.

So, here the list goes in alphabetical order and I hope you find this helpful. And if you have any other recommendations for blogs to read, please leave a comment below or just send me that secret address to adeliabudiarto25[at] See you around!

Adelia Widiyanti

The list will be updated along the way. 


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