February 8, 2020

ADBportrait: Graduation Photographs of Arie from Queen Mary University of London


It is true what people said that you may discover new opportunities from the people you don’t expect. It happened to me last December. Taking pictures was merely a hobby for me at first, even a new hobby probably since it regularly occurred since I arrived in London. I did take some pictures from my friend, Mara, on her graduation day just because she asked and I voluntarily made it. Then I uploaded her beautiful pictures in my Instagram account and somehow people appreciate it a lot! 

And then one night, a new friend I met in a gathering event in London, Erian, texted me. She said that she needs a hand to captures her boyfriend's graduation photographs. Well, who would say no to capture a happy day?

On another sunny then suddenly get rainy day in London, I met Erian and her boyfriend, Arie, along with his family who came to London for the graduation ceremony. My first impression would be: It was nice to meet more Indonesians in London and so happy to witness his parents smiling watching his son got a post-graduate degree from Queen Mary University of London. The picture wasn’t be taken on the same day of Arie’s graduation ceremony though, it was the next day because he wants to have a picture of graduation with his family in his London’s favourite spot: Tower Bridge! Along with Millenium Bridge and the St Paul’s Cathedral. Once again, congratulations, Arie!

Photographs taken by: Adelia Budiarto
Date: 21 December 2019
Place: Tower Bridge and Millennium Bridge, London, United Kingdom

ADBportrait by Adelia Budiarto
Instagram: @adbportrait @adeliabudiarto
Email: business.adeliabudiarto@gmail.com

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