September 5, 2014


Everyone deserves a life
Everyone deserves a good feeling
Everyone deserves to be happy for people they loved
Everyone deserves to be happy because people who loved them
Everyone deserves someone in their life who will make them happy
Who will make their life meaningful
And I
Deserve it, too
But you, also the same

You can be happy because of someone else
Or you can be a reason for someone to be happy
But once you are happy, there will be the one out there who get hurts
It's like a game, one win, other lose
One happy, other hurt
Maybe you'll play the game, even when you know you're gonna loose
And sometimes you'll leave the game, even when you know you're gonna win
The bravery to face your fears, that's all matters

Sometimes you have to learn
Learn to not only want to be happy because someone treats you nice
But also learn how to be the reason for someone to smile
And now maybe you're happy, but he sad
But when I try to make him happy, you're mad
There are no meeting point between you, I, or him
But I know that's not the problem
The decision who has the responsibilities
My decision matters?
I don't think so
I won't choose, I don't have right to choose
Because you guys are not an option
Me neither

But still
Thank you for the smile and laugh
Or, tears
Thanks God for letting us know each other
For letting us across each other road
Thank you for the feeling of 'forever within numbered days'

Sometimes you just got to accept that some people can only be in your heart, not in your life.

Adelia Budiarto

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